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Table of contents
Table of Contents v
List of Tables x
List of Figures xii
Abstract xvi
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Significance of the Study 4
1.4 Aim and Objective of the Study 4
1.5 Research Questions 5
1.6 Methodology of Study 5
1.6.1 Research Design 6
1.6.2 Types and Sources of Data 6
1.6.3 Sampling Techniques 6
1.6.4 Method of Data Analysis 7
1.7 Study Area 7
1.8 Limitation and Scope of the Study 8
CHAPTER TWO: Conceptual and Literature Review 9
2.1 Conceptual Review 9
2.1.1 Water Accessibility 9
2.1.2 Water Quality 11
2.1.3 Domestic Water Utilization 14
2.1.4 Domestic Water Management 14
2.1.5 Potable Water 15
2.2 Literature Review 17
CHAPTER THREE: Data Presentation and Analysis 21
3.1 Socio Economic Characteristics of Respondents 21
3.1.1 Educational Distribution of Respondents 22
3.1.2 Gender Distribution of Respondents 23
3.1.3 Age Distribution of Respondents 24
3.1.4 Household size distribution of respondents 25
3.1.5 Occupation Distribution of Respondents 26
3.1.6 Monthly Gross Income Distribution of Respondents 27
3.1.7 Distance to the Nearest Water Source from house 28
3.2 Source and uses of Water 29
3.2.1 Source of Drinking Water 29
3.2.2 Source of Cooking Water 30
3.2.3 Source of Bathing Water 31
3.2.4 Source of Cloth Washing Water 32
3.2.5 Source of Dish Washing Water 33
3.2.6 Source of Toilet Washing Water 34
3.2.7 Source of Car Washing Water 35
3.2.8 Other Sources of Water 36
3.2.9 Availability of Source of Water in houses 37
3.2.10 Location of Water Source in House Premises 38
3.2.11 Conservation of Water 39
3.2.12 Reason for non-conservation of water 40
3.2.13 How often do you fetch water 41
3.2.14 Time Spent in Collecting Water 42
3.2.15 Payment for water 43
3.2.16 Amount paid for water 44
3.2.17 Number of time tap water run 45
3.2.18 Most preferred source of water 46
3.2.19 Consistency of Source of Water 47
3.3 Demand and Supply of Water 48
3.3.1 Connection to Water Corporation Distribution Network 48
3.3.2 Availability of Water Meter 49
3.3.3 Consistency of Bills for Water 50
3.3.4 Weekly supply of Water 51
3.3.5 Quality of Water 52
3.3.6 Boiling of Water from Water Corporation Distribution 53
3.3.7 Category of Drinking Water 54
3.3.8 Importance to Water Payment 55
3.3.9 Assessment of Amount Paid for Water 56
3.3.10 Willingness to pay more for pipe water if service improved 57
3.3.11 Ranking of Monthly Expenditure 58
3.3.12 Estimate of pipe borne water used per household per day 59
3.3.13 Satisfaction with the level of water service provided by Water Corporation Distribution Network 60
3.3.14 Problems experiencing with water service 61
3.3.15 Do you have any of this in your home 62
3.3.16 Watering of Lawn, Garden and Trees 63
3.3.17 Measure to reduce water use in the watering of Lawn, Garden and Trees 64
3.4. Challenges of Water Supply and Demand 65
3.4.1 Illegal Connection 65
3.4.2 Water Corporation lack technical expertise to handle the pipe network 66
3.4.3 Tankers owners arrange with the water corporation staff to limit
water supply 67
3.4.4 Broken pipe lines 68
3.4.5 Inadequate pipe lines to support fast expansion of township 69
3.4.6 Unplanned township/community 70
3.4.7 Electric power outrage problems 71
3.4.8 Seasonal supply of water 72
3.4.9 Have you heard of Climate Change? 73
3.4.10 Do you think climate change can affect water supply? 74
CHAPTER FOUR: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 75
4.1 Summary of Findings 75
4.2 Conclusion 76
4.3 Recommendations 77
Table Title Page
3.1.1 Educational Distribution of Respondents 22
3.1.2 Gender Distribution of Respondents 23
3.1.3 Age Distribution of Respondents 24
3.1.4 Household size distribution of respondents 25
3.1.5 Occupation Distribution of Respondents 26
3.1.6 Monthly Gross Income Distribution of Respondents 27
3.1.7 Distance to the Nearest Water Source from house 28
3.2.1 Source of Drinking Water 29
3.2.2 Source of Cooking Water 30
3.2.3 Source of Bathing Water 31
3.2.4 Source of Cloth Washing Water 32
3.2.5 Source of Dish Washing Water 33
3.2.6 Source of Toilet Washing Water 34
3.2.7 Source of Car Washing Water 35
3.2.8 Other Sources of Water 36
3.2.9 Availability of Source of Water in houses 37
3.2.10 Location of Water Source in House Premises 38
3.2.11 Conservation of Water 39
3.2.12 Reason for non-conservation of water 40
3.2.13 How often do you fetch water 41
3.2.14 Time Spent in Collecting Water 42
3.2.15 Payment for water 43
3.2.16 Amount paid for water 44
3.2.17 Number of time tap water run 45
3.2.18 Most preferred source of water 46
3.2.19 Consistency of Source of Water 47
3.3.1 Connection to Water Corporation Distribution Network 48
3.3.2 Availability of Water Meter 49
3.3.3 Consistency of Bills for Water 50
3.3.4 Weekly supply of Water 51
3.3.5 Quality of Water 52
3.3.6 Boiling of Water from Water Corporation Distribution 53
3.3.7 Category of Drinking Water 54
3.3.8 Importance to Water Payment 55
3.3.9 Assessment of Amount Paid for Water 56
3.3.10 Willingness to pay more for pipe water if service improved 57
3.3.11 Ranking of Monthly Expenditure 58
3.3.12 Estimate of pipe borne water used per household per day 59
3.4.1 Illegal Connection 65
3.4.2 Water Corporation lack technical expertise to handle the pipe network 66
3.4.3 Tankers owners arrange with the water corporation staff to limit
water supply
3.4.4 Broken pipe lines 68
3.4.5 Inadequate pipe lines to support fast expansion of township 69
3.4.6 Unplanned township/community 70
3.4.7 Electric power outrage problems 71
3.4.8 Seasonal supply of water 72
3.4.9 Have you heard of Climate Change? 73
3.4.10 Do you think climate change can affect water supply? 74
3.3.13 Satisfaction with the level of water service provided by Water Corporation Distribution Network 60
3.3.14 Problems experiencing with water service 61
3.3.15 Do you have any of this in your home 62
3.3.16 Watering of Lawn, Garden and Trees 63
3.3.17 Measure to reduce water use in the watering of Lawn, Garden and Trees 64
Figure Title Page
3.1.1 Educational Distribution of Respondents 22
3.1.2 Gender Distribution of Respondents 23
3.1.3 Age Distribution of Respondents 24
3.1.4 Household size distribution of respondents 25
3.1.5 Occupation Distribution of Respondents 26
3.1.6 Monthly Gross Income Distribution of Respondents 27
3.1.7 Distance to the Nearest Water Source from house 28
3.2.1 Source of Drinking Water 29
3.2.2 Source of Cooking Water 30
3.2.3 Source of Bathing Water 31
3.2.4 Source of Cloth Washing Water 32
3.2.5 Source of Dish Washing Water 33
3.2.6 Source of Toilet Washing Water 34
3.2.7 Source of Car Washing Water 35
3.2.8 Other Sources of Water 36
3.2.9 Availability of Source of Water in houses 37
3.2.10 Location of Water Source in House Premises 38
3.2.11 Conservation of Water 39
3.2.12 Reason for non-conservation of water 40
3.2.13 How often do you fetch water 41
3.2.14 Time Spent in Collecting Water 42
3.2.15 Payment for water 43
3.2.16 Amount paid for water 44
3.2.17 Number of time tap water run 45
3.2.18 Most preferred source of water 46
3.2.19 Consistency of Source of Water 47
3.3.1 Connection to Water Corporation Distribution Network 48
3.3.2 Availability of Water Meter 49
3.3.3 Consistency of Bills for Water 50
3.3.4 Weekly supply of Water 51
3.3.5 Quality of Water 52
3.3.6 Boiling of Water from Water Corporation Distribution 53
3.3.7 Category of Drinking Water 54
3.3.8 Importance to Water Payment 55
3.3.9 Assessment of Amount Paid for Water 56
3.3.10 Willingness to pay more for pipe water if service improved 57
3.3.11 Ranking of Monthly Expenditure 58
3.3.12 Estimate of pipe borne water used per household per day 59
3.4.1 Illegal Connection 65
3.4.2 Water Corporation lack technical expertise to handle the pipe network 66
3.4.3 Tankers owners arrange with the water corporation staff to limit
water supply
3.4.4 Broken pipe lines 68
3.4.5 Inadequate pipe lines to support fast expansion of township 69
3.4.6 Unplanned township/community 70
3.4.7 Electric power outrage problems 71
3.4.8 Seasonal supply of water 72
3.4.9 Have you heard of Climate Change? 73
3.4.10 Do you think climate change can affect water supply? 74
3.3.13 Satisfaction with the level of water service provided by Water Corporation Distribution Network 60
3.3.14 Problems experiencing with water service 61
3.3.15 Do you have any of this in your home 62
3.3.16 Watering of Lawn, Garden and Trees 63
3.3.17 Measure to reduce water use in the watering of Lawn, Garden and Trees 64
The study was carried out to analyse of the spatial pattern of domestic water demand and supply in Ago-iwoye area of Ogun State, Nigeria. It further identify the main source of domestic water in the area of study, assess water demand and supply in the study area, examine the spatio-temporal distribution of source of domestic water and proffer solution to the challenges and supply of portable water in the study area.
The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. One hundred questionnaires were randomly administered to participant in the study. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequency count, simple percentage, graphs with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).
Findings form the descriptive analysis showed that the major source of water for drinking is bottle/sachet water likewise pipe borne for cooking. Water is availability in home of respondents. 59% of the respondents fetch water daily and spent 10 minutes on fetching water daily. Majority of the respondents with 66% indicated that tap water runs daily while borehole is their most preferred source of water. From the findings, 59% indicated that water supply is regular but only 35% of the respondents are connected to water corporation distribution network. The analysis also revealed that 38% of the respondents are supplied with water daily with good quality of water. The respondents don’t boil water before using it for their domestics purposes while majority of the respondents do not attach any important to water payment. Some of the major problems with the water supply are lack of good quality, illegal connection, lack of technical expertise to handle pipe network, broken, inadequate pipe line to supply town expansion and lack of electricity. It is worth to know that majority of the respondent have heard of climate change but did not know that it can affect water supply.
Among other recommendations is that the community in the study area should be empowered financially to enable them dig hand-dug wells and maintain them.
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